
Make your reservation with The Meat & Wine Co to discover one of the best restaurants in Mayfair.

A menu for every preference

At The Meat & Wine Co, each menu has been carefully prepared to offer imitable dining and drinking experiences for all of our guests. With the goal of meeting your tastes and preferences at every occasion, these menus provide something special no matter whether you’re looking for an express lunch, celebratory drinks with friends, a romantic dinner with a loved one, or a large corporate event.

The a la carte menu provides a full list of dining options, including a variety of skewers, delectable entrees, succulent slow-cooked ribs, and refreshing sides and salads. On the dedicated AGED menu, we showcase our selection of dry-aged steaks, whereas our express lunch menu provides options for quick yet delicious meals.

Dedicated cocktail and wine lists

Your drink of choice should uplift the dining experience, playing off the flavours and notes in each dish and creating a premium, enjoyable atmosphere within the space of your own table. It should be more than an afterthought or a late addition. Rather, the wine list and drinks list at any good London restaurant should play an important role in the meal.

Our wine list is an ode to beautiful vintages from around the world, with a selection of wines from the best wine regions on the planet. Try a South African Syrah, a French Rose, an Australian Chardonnay, a Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand, or ask our servers for their recommendation.

Out cocktail list is one that combines classics with modern tastes, sweet with sour, and light and summery with the deep, rich flavours of winter nights. Order a favourite, or try something new with one of our signature drinks.